...I saw us, the posh version. Love brings ecstacy and pain at the same time, you love him for who he was therefore you suffer, that's the price, you know it, you always know. Until one day you realize it's ok to let go, to let him be. Then, you are free, you are you again.
(准备弃剧的国产精品不卡无毒久久久久直接看最后一集吧别错过了)本想第二季有点无聊但坚持看完最后一集的反转简直牛皮了soul mate啊俩人前9集3星最后一集值得4.5星(剧中不停穿插男主童年回顾我知道是为了丰满男主背景但感觉絮絮叨叨看的很烦(女主父母是恨孩子吧取名一个love一个fortywhat a name